the zucchini brothers the zucchini brothers

Making Music That's 100% Healthy and 100% Fun! Welcome to our site!  Located in the far reaches of ZucchiniLand... zucchini video
Announcing the arrival of our

15 beautifully recorded and skillfully
original songs, and 15 skits
and zany commercials!

Watch our VIDEOS on YOUTUBE!...
You can also watch 2 of them right from this site. Just click on the video window to the right. And don't forget that you can also always listen to our WEEKLY RADIO SHOW right from this site!

What's Happening In ZucchiniLand?
Find Out What JACK, STEVE and SAM are up to...
The Zucchinis are keeping busy around the Clubhouse, helping Mom and Dad with the chores, and taking care of our dog, Polly

the zucchini brothers  Click here to Read the FULL STORY!

News Bulletin!....
Welcome back to school!!! See you at one of our shows...Listen to our RADIO SHOW right here (click on the Radio Icon)...AND check us out on youtube or facebook!
Click here to read all the news bulletins and greetings!

Take a Look Around!

It's all here and it's all Zucchini: cool music, silly pictures, comfortable clothing, Zucchini News Updates, info about our concerts and school assemblies, adventures in ZucchiniLand (via our Radio Show!)....AND MORE!!

"The Beatles of kids' music."
Steve Charney/Producer, Knock on Wood Radio

"Your music is truly original!"
PJ Swift/Producer, Pickleberry Pie Radio

"Delightful music! Brings out the boogeying child that lurks within!"
Van Dyke Parks/Songwriter

Once you've seen 'em you won't forget 'em!!!

So, hey, stick around, Lots of things are happening in ZucchiniLand right now...

Take a good look and explore our site!


©2003 The Zucchini Brothers  |  site design by guerrillawebsites
Additional design by Sam Zucchini