the zucchini brothers the zucchini brothers

    Fun Stuff!

Here are some recipes, ideas, and neat things from our radio show,
but you don't have to listen to our show to have fun with them!

Check 'em out!

Macaroni & Cheese (Show 1307)
Make Your Own Slime! (Show 1306)
Apple Rice Pudding (Show 1304)
Go Fly a Kite! (Show 1303)
Hummus for Sandwiches (Show 1302)
Play (and Win) the Commercial Game! (Show 1299)
Make Your Own Peace Prize! (Show 1298)
Making a Wormery (Show 1297)
A Winter Picnic (Show 1296)
Yummy & Nutritious Popcorn (Show 1295)
Don't Give Up! (Show 1293)
Pizza Garden (Show 1291)
Have a Spring Cleaning Party! (Show 1290)
Ten Easy Ways to Precycle (Show 1288)
Crazy Good Cranberry Bread (Show 1286)
Beach Art (Show 1284)
Row, Row, Row Your (Homemade) Boat! (Show 1282)
Ten Ways Kids Can Conserve Natural Resources and Keep the Earth Clean! (Show 1281)
Helping in Your Neighborhood (Show 1280)
Holiday Craft Project: Cinnamon Ornaments (Show 1279)
Make a Fairy Mobile for a Baby! (Show 1278)
Make your own book! (Show 1276)
Make a Magnetic Fishing Game (Show 1274)
Take a Color Walk (Show 1273)
Games! (Show 1272)
Warm Winter Drinks (Show 1271)
Fun Frog Facts (Show 1268)
Birthday Party Ideas (Show 1266)
Indoor Miniature Snow Scenes (Show 1264)
Create a Home Restaurant Menu (Show 1263)
Make a Shoebox Fishtank (Show 1261)
Calculating Storm Distance (Show 1260)
Underwater Magnifier (Show 1258)
Make Your Own Magnetic Poetry Set! (Show 1256)
Healing Soup Recipe (Show 1255)
Make an Egg Carton Caterpillar! (Show 1326)
Make Your Own Bubble Brew! (Show 1325)
Glitter Playdough (Show 1323)
Homemade Bank (1322)
Make a Dreamcatcher (Show 1320)
Beautiful Autumn Leaf Lanterns (Show 1319)
Garlic Greens Pesto (Show 1317)
Composting is Easy! (Show 1315)
Quick Geography Quiz (Show 1314)
Breakfast Cookies Recipe (Show 1312)
Strawberry Smoothies (Show 1309)
Photo Wall (Show 1308)



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Additional design by Sam Zucchini