the zucchini brothers the zucchini brothers

Make an Egg Carton Caterpillar! (Show 1326)

Here's how to make a caterpillar that won't change into a butterfly or get away from you! You will need:
     * one paper egg carton (not the styrofoam kind)
     * tempera paint
     * a paintbrush
     * construction paper (choose an appropriate color for the feet)
     * scissors
     * glue
     * a pipe cleaner
     * a small piece or scrap of black construction paper.
First, cut the egg carton into sections that are 3 or 4 cups long.
Next, paint the outside of the egg carton caterpillar body with the tempera paint. Set it aside to dry.
While it is drying, make some feet for the caterpillar from a strip of construction paper that is the same length but 1" wider than the caterpillar's body. Cut several notches along the entire length of both sides of the construction paper strip to create the feet.
Once the caterpillar body is dry, glue it (painted side up) onto the "feet" strip so that the feet stick out on both sides. Next, make the caterpillar's antennae by bending a pipe cleaner into a V shape; glue it onto the top of the caterpillar's head (which is the front egg carton cup). Finally, cut two tiny circles (for eyes) out of the black construction paper, and glue them onto the caterpillar's face.
Now all that's left is to give your caterpillar a name. (Just don't use "Bernetta" because it's already taken!)


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