the zucchini brothers the zucchini brothers

Breakfast Cookies Recipe (Show 1312)

After Dad took us out for pancakes at Bud's Diner, we made some breakfast cookies back at the Zucchini clubhouse. Here's the recipe. (This recipe makes approximately 2 dozen cookies.)
      * 3 cups oats
      * 1/4 tsp. salt
      * scant 1/3 cup canola oil (or other vegetable oil)
      * 2 medium bananas
      *1/3 cup pitted dates
      *2/3 cup toasted almonds or other nuts (optional)
      *2/3 cup carob chips (optional)
1) Mix together the oats and salt. Add the oil, and mix well.
2) In a blender of food processor, mix bananas and dates until smooth.
3) Add banana mixture to oats, and blend well. Add optional nuts and carob chips if you're using them. Let the batter stand for a half hour.
4) Form cookies onto an ungreased cookie sheet, and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 12-15 minutes.
5) Enjoy eating your cookies for breakfast--or any time of day! Yum!


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